The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES) annual report, 2022

The year 2021/2022 saw ACRES scale up responses to more decision-makers questions at national and subnational levels in response to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. At the national level, ACRES supported processes at the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD); Education service commission, Ministry of Education and Sports; Office of the President and the Office of the Prime Minister. At the district level, ACRES scaled up the service to ten districts from three in 2020. The districts were organized around collaborative regions. The year also saw ACRES conduct citizen panels and policy dialogues in response to policymakers’ interests. Read More: The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES) annual report, 2022

Ministry of health governance and management structures implementation guidelines

The revised MoH Implementation guidelines for governance and management structures are meant to facilitate how developments in health policy and strategic planning interventions shall be handled within the MoH. The guidelines are intended to improve processes taking place in this regard where many different stakeholders happen to participate. They were released in 2022, at the time most government health institutions had developed new strategic plans with updated mandates. The ACRES team, among others, undertook a situation analysis as part of formulating the Ministry of health governance and management structures implementation guidelines. Read More: MoH Implementation Guidelines