Are herbal photolarvicides efficient and safe to use in vector management?
What risks may food vendors in urban areas expose the Ugandan population to?
Management of (expensive) medical equipment; lessons from other countries
Should All Research Participants be Paid for Participation in Research?
There is a split of opinion among the bioethicists and researchers on whether research participants need to be paid for participation in research. The payment is typically in terms of compensation for time spent by a participant on a study related activity and or reimbursement for expenses incurred. However, once payment has been agreed upon, there are no clear guidelines of how much is enough to avoid undue inducement or exploitation that might expose the participants to unnecessary risks.
Should all research participants be paid for participation in research?
The causes of school dropouts at the transition between primary to secondary school and possible control measures:
High and persistent school dropout rates amount to wastage and are a primary concern to the provision of quality education especially in a developing country like Uganda. Buikwe District is no exception to the high school dropout rates, and thus the education leadership in the District seeks to know the possible causes and control measures of the school dropouts especially at secondary school transition stage.
What is the Best Teachers’ Professional Code of Conduct for Uganda?
The current Teacher’s Professional Code of Conduct in Uganda was published in 2012 which is a revision of that published in 1996. Its aim at the time was to provide teachers with a guide towards ethical conduct in the execution of their day-to-day activities.
However, despite this guidance, there are still gross ethical violations among the teachers, many of which go unreported. This has prompted the Education Service Commission to ask pertinent questions about the development of an up to date professional code of conduct for the teaching profession, and its effective implementation.
Strategies to improve the coverage of at least four antenatal care visits in Mukono district: Rapid response brief
Current WHO recommendations emphasize that women attend at least 8 antenatal care visits during pregnancy. However, this appears to be a huge task for low income countries that have struggled to increase coverage of at least four antenatal care visits.
National Immunization Policy implementation considerations
This rapid response was prepared by the Uganda country node of the Regional East African Community Health (REACH) Policy Initiative.
Does introducing deliveries at Health Center II improve maternal outcomes?
This rapid response was prepared by the Uganda country node of the Regional East African Community Health (REACH) Policy Initiative.
Does introducing deliveries at Health Center II improve maternal outcomes?
What are the best methods for involving patients in health system decision making in Uganda?
The importance of patient or community involvement in health care is widely recognized, particularly its potential to improve the availability and relevance of healthcare services to health service users. Community involvement or participation can also be viewed as a goal in itself by encouraging participative democracy, public accountability and transparency.