ACRES and NCDC partner to enhance curriculum development with evidence The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES) recently conducted a one-day training session with the senior management team...
Unlocking evidence-driven advocacy: ACRES, ERI to produce Evidence Gap Map on natural resources degradation By Bakari Ssettumba The Center for Rapid Evidence Synthesis (ACRES) and Earth & Rights Initiatives...
The year 2021/2022 saw ACRES scale up responses to more decision-makers questions at national and subnational levels in response to the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic. At the...
The revised MoH Implementation guidelines for governance and management structures are meant to facilitate how developments in health policy and strategic planning interventions shall be handled within the MoH....
Although there is a general agreement on the benefits of evidence informed health policy development given resource constraints especially in Low-Income Countries (LICs), the definition of what evidence is,...
There is a shortage and maldistribution of medically trained health professionals to deliver cost-effective maternal and child health (MCH) services. Hence, cost-effective MCH services are not available to over...
Demand for rapid evidence-based syntheses to inform health policy and systems decision-making has increased worldwide, including in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). To promote use of rapid syntheses in...
Despite the recognition of the importance of evidence-informed health policy and practice, there are still barriers to translating research findings into policy and practice. The present study aimed to...
This policy brief discusses findings from a case study conducted to illustrate how evidence from an evaluation informed decision- and policymaking of a major reform, the amendment of the...
Drop out of presumptive TB individuals before making a final diagnosis poses a danger to the individual and their community. We aimed to determine the proportion of these presumptive...